Metadata API Reference: Databases (v2.0 and above)


Add/remove databases in Hasura GraphQL engine.

Supported from

The metadata API is supported for versions v2.0.0 and above and replaces the older schema/metadata API.


pg_add_source is used to connect a Postgres database to Hasura.

Add a database with name pg1:

POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

  "type": "pg_add_source",
  "args": {
    "name": "pg1",
    "configuration": {
      "connection_info": {
        "database_url": {
           "from_env": "<DB_URL_ENV_VAR>"
        "pool_settings": {
          "max_connections": 50,
          "idle_timeout": 180,
          "retries": 1

Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
name true SourceName Name of the Postgres database
configuration true PGConfiguration Database connection configuration


pg_drop_source is used to remove a Postgres database from Hasura.

Remove a database with name pg1:

POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

  "type": "pg_drop_source",
  "args": {
    "name": "pg1"

Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
name true SourceName Name of the Postgres database